Vincent Jacquemet UdeM HSCM

Opportunities Prospective Students Completed Projects


I'm looking for students motivated by research in the field of electrophysiological modeling of atrial arrhythmias, modeling and analysis of electrical signals in neurocardiology, and signal processing (notably ECG). Look at the profile of my current students.
To apply, send me by email your CV and a copy of your university transcripts.

P R O S P E C T I V E    S T U D E N T S

Opportunity to do an (usually paid) internship in summer or at any time, preferably 6 months. Internship/Master 2 project (European) or equivalent, undergrad engineering project (Poly Montréal or ETS Montréal) or internship in biomedical sciences (UdeM) in the field of biomedical engineering, biophysical modeling, scientific computing or signal processing, in relation with my research interests. Contact me for more information about these opportunities.

Master and PhD
Possibility to obtain a stipend to do a Master or a PhD in the Biomedical Engineering program (subfield: electrophysiology) at UdeM. The teaching language is French, although most exams, projects and theses may be done in English. Visit the UdeM website to learn about admission and tuition fees.
Foreign students (French citizens excepted): note the supplemental tuition fees for foreign students. A few tuition fee waivers are available on a competitive basis.

C O M P L E T E D    P R O J E C T S

  1. Modélisation de l’activité électrique des oreillettes avant et après ablation par cathéter (Mirabeau Saha, 2015)

    Pierre Mathieu, Miraneau Saha, Vincent Jacquemet, Jacques Bélair

  2. Analysis of intrinsic cardiac neuron activity in relation to neurogenic atrial fibrillation and vagal stimulation (Siamak Salavatian, 2015)

    Siamak Salavatian, Frédéric Lesage, Vincent Jacquemet, Pierre Savard, Numa Dancause

  3. Identification of local repolarization parameters in the presence of electrotonic coupling in reaction-diffusion models (Akshay K A, 2015)

  4. Simulation d'ECG humains pendant la fibrillation auriculaire (Jesus Carrillo, 2014)

  5. Modélisation d''arythmies auriculaires modulées par le système parasympathique (Elhacene Matene, 2013)

    Philippe Comptois, Elhacene Matene, Vincent Jacquemet, Jacques Bélair, Alain Vinet

  6. Comparison of epicardial mapping and noncontact endocardial mapping in dog experiments and computer simulations (Sepideh Sabouri, 2013)

    Pierre Mathieu, Sepideh Sabouri, Vincent Jacquemet, Philippe Comptois

  7. Estimation of cardiac wavelength during simulated atrial arrhythmias (Marie Dupraz, 2013)

  8. Detection of drug-induced QTc changes using subject-specific rate correction (Raymundo Cassani Gonzalez, 2012)

  9. Monitoring of the heart rate corrected QT interval (Elien Engels, 2011)

  10. Simulation d’ECG pendant des arythmies auriculaires (Maher Ben Abdallah, 2011)

  11. An eikonal approach for the initiation of arrhythmias in biophysical models of the atria (Antoine Herlin, 2011)

  12. Étude de la dynamique des intervalles QT chez des patients avec flutter auriculaire (Robin Knight, 2010)

  13. Analyse d'electrogrammes enregistrés dans des oreillettes de chiens (Driss Khammale, 2010)

updated 2019-04-19   |   Français   |   UdeM   |   Physiol   |   IGB   |   HSCM   |   Contact